Dog Days Meditations: William Bartram on Human & Animal Hunting

Human & Animal Hunting
From Bartram’s Travels, by William Bartram, 1791:

 I AM sensible that the general opinion of philosophers, has distinguished the moral system of the brute creature from that of mankind, by an epithet which  implies a mere mechanical impulse, which leads and impels them to necessary action without any premeditated design or contrivance, this we term instinct which faculty we suppose to be inferior to reason in man. Butterfly-Bartram

        [YET] THE parental, and filial affections seem to be as ardent, their sensibility and attachment, as active and faithful, as those observed to be in human nature.

        WHEN travelling on the East coast of the isthmus of Florida, ascending the South Musquitoe river, in a canoe, we observed numbers of deer and bears, near the banks, and on the islands of the river, the bear were feeding on the fruit of the dwarf creeping Chamerops, (this fruit is of the form and size of dates, and are delicious and nourishing food:) we saw eleven bears in the course of the day, they seemed no way surprized or affrighted at the sight of us; in the evening my hunter, who was an excellent marksman, said that he would shoot one of them, for the sake of the skin and oil, for we had plenty and variety of provisions in our bark.

We accordingly, on sight of two of them, planned our approaches, as artfully as possible, by crossing over to the opposite shore, in order to get under cover of a small island, this we cautiously coasted round, to a point, which we apprehended would take us within shot of the bear, but here finding ourselves at too great a distance from them, and discovering that we must openly show ourselves, we had no other alternative to effect our purpose, but making oblique approaches; we gained gradually on our prey by this artifice, without their noticing us, finding ourselves near enough, the hunter fired, and laid the largest dead on the spot, where she stood, when presently the other, not seeming the least moved, at the report of our piece, approached the dead body, smelled, and pawed it, and appearing in agony, fell to weeping and looking upwards, then towards us, and cried out like a child.Bear-not-Bartram

Whilst our boat approached very near, the hunter was loading his rifle in order to shoot the survivor, which was a young cub, and the slain supposed to be the dam; the continual cries of this afflicted child, bereft of its parent, affected me very sensibly, I was moved with compassion, and charging myself as if accessary to what now appeared to be a cruel murder, and endeavoured to prevail on the hunter to save its life, but to no effect! for by habit he had become insensible to compassion towards the brute creation, being now within a few yards of the harmless devoted victim, he fired, and laid it dead, upon the body of the dam.

        IF we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose. The next morning, after the slaughter of the bears whilst my companions were striking our tent and preparing to re-embark, I resolved to make a little botanical excursion alone; crossing over a narrow isthmus of sand hills which separated the river from the ocean, I passed over a pretty high hill, its summit crested with a few Palm trees, surrounded with an Orange grove.


This hill, whose base was washed on one side, by the floods of the Musquitoe river, and the other side by the billows of the ocean, was about one hundred yards diameter, and seemed to be an entire heap of sea hills. I continued along the beech, a quarter of a mile, and came up to a forest of the Agave vivipara (though composed of herbaceous plants, I term it a forest, because their scapes or flower-stems arose erect near 30 feet high) their tops regularly branching in the form of a pyramidal tree, and these plants growing near to each other, occupied a space of ground of several acres: when their seed is ripe they vegetate, and grow on the branches, until the scape dries when the young plants fall to the ground, take root, and fix themselves in the sand: the plant grows to a prodigious size before the scape shoots up from its centre.

Having contemplated this admirable grove, I proceeded towards the shrubberies on the banks of the river, and though it was now late in December, the aromatic groves appeared in full bloom. The broad leaved sweet Myrtus, Erythrina corrallodendrum, Cactus cochenellifer, Cacalia suffruticosa, and particularly, Rhizophora conjugata, which stood close to, and in the salt water of the river, were in full bloom, with beautiful white sweet scented flowers, which attracted to them, two or three species of very beautiful butterflies, one of which was black, the upper pair of its wings very long and narrow, marked with transverse stripes of pale yellow, with some spots of a crimson colour near the body. . . .Besides these papiles, a variety of other insects come in for share, particularly several species of bees.


        As I was gathering specimens of flowers from the shrubs, I was greatly surprised at the sudden appearance of a remarkable large spider, on a leaf of the genus Araneus saliens, at sight of me he boldly faced about, and raised himself up as if ready to spring upon me; his body was about the size of a pigeons egg, of a buff colour, which with his legs were covered with short silky hair, on the top of the abdomen was a round red spot or ocelle encircled with black.


After I had recovered from the surprise, and observing the wary hunter had retired under cover, I drew near again, and presently discovered that I had surprised him on predatory attempts against the insect tribes, I was therefore determined to watch his proceedings, I soon noticed that the object of his wishes was a large fat bomble bee (apis bombylicus) that was visiting the flowers, and piercing their nectariferous tubes; this cunning intrepid hunter (conducted his subtil approaches, with the circumspection and perseverance of a Siminole, when hunting a deer) advancing with slow steps obliquely, or under cover of dense foliage, and behind the limbs, and when the bee was engaged in probing a flower he would leap nearer, and then instantly retire out of sight, under a leaf or behind a branch, at the same time keeping a sharp eye upon me.

When he had now got within two feet of his prey, and the bee was intent on sipping the delicious nectar from a flower, with his back next the spider, he instantly sprang upon him, and grasped him over the back and shoulder, when for some moments they both disappeared, I expected the bee had carried of his enemy, but to my surprise they both together rebounded back again, suspended at the extremity of a strong elastic thread or web, which the spider had artfully let fall, or fixed on the twig, the instant he leaped from it.

The rapidity of the bee’s wings, endeavouring to extricate him-self, made them both together appear as a moving vapor, until the bee became fatigued by whirling round, first one way and then back again; at length, in about a quarter of an hour, the bee quite exhausted by his struggles, and the repeated wounds of the butcher, became motionless, and quickly expired in the arms of the devouring spider, who, ascending the rope with his game, retired to feast on it under cover of leaves; and perhaps before night became himself, the delicious evening repast of a bird or lizard. . . .


What’s a “Heliconius Charitonius?   Here’s one:Heliconius-charitonius

Comments on William Bartram & his remarkable father, by an editor I haven’t been able to identify:

One can’t begin discussing and understanding the son, William Bartram (1739-1823), until we first take due account of the father.

John Bartram (1699-1777), a Philadelphia area Quaker, started out as an ordinary farmer, but, who possessing an avid enthusiasm for studying plants and vegetation, instructed and trained himself into becoming a botanist; in fact America’s very first to take it up as a profession.
In pursuit of this, he tutored himself in Latin; a knowledge necessary for familiarizing oneself with the nomenclature
and classifications of flora and fauna; while acquiring and reading books on his chosen field.

In this way, he furnished himself with an education while closely studying and observing plants (and animals also) in
the field and on his farm. The latter, located at Kingsessing on the Schuykill, overtime was expanded to include a commercial nursery and a botanical garden, founded in 1728; which can still be visited today.
In addition, he corresponded and traded specimens with the leading botanists of Europe such as Carl Linnaeus and Mark Catesby [& others]. Among his other notable American friends and scientific colleagues were Benjamin Franklin; with whom he founded the American Philosophical Society in 1743. So extraordinary was his meteoric rise to prominence that, as well as having by that time become a respected member of the Royal Society, in 1765 he was appointed Botanist to the King; a post he held until his death in 1777.

As part of his scientific endeavors, he traveled extensively
through the northern colonies and Canada, and later, in the wake of Catesby, into South Carolina and East Florida, searching for new plants.

Bartram Sr. was also an associate with fellow Quaker Friend Anthony Benezet, and warmly seconded Benezet’s efforts in decrying and calling for an end to slavery. Crevecoeur, in his Letters from an American Farmer (1782), Letter XI, recounts a conversation with Bartram (whom he refers to as “Bertram”) in which Bartram expounds at length on his abhorrence of the “peculiar” institution.
[Although a sincere and expressly devout man of faith, Bartram tended, like one-time Quaker Thomas Paine, toward Deism, and this ultimately resulted in his being excommunicated from the Friends. In spite of this, Bartram continued to assiduously attend their meetings.]

One thought on “Dog Days Meditations: William Bartram on Human & Animal Hunting”

  1. Chuck, the latest issue of Xplor, the kids’ magazine of the Missouri Dept. of Conservation, has a story about jumping spiders, complete with mention of the silken tether. It seems there are six species of them in Missouri. Who knew? Thanks for sharing Bartram’s description.

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