Category Archives: 45

My Secret Post-Election Plan: Celebration?? Or Consolation??

I’m still not making predictions about the election’s outcome. And I’m so over searching for the hidden meanings in polls.  My record of not answering the non-Hurricane flood of robocalls remains unbroken. Not least, I voted two weeks — seems like two months — ago.

So now there’s only one big question hanging over the official end of this endless campaign season, namely:

What am I gonna do when we have a winner?

I think I’ve found my answer. It’s in a compact box in the cupboard, that turned up at a nearby market: the key ingredient for a forbidden feast.

It’s something I’ve been waiting for a long time. So if the post- voting wrangling lasts til January 19, 2025, I think I can hold out that much longer. (After that, we’ll have to see.) Or if I get trapped in a hundred-hour traffic backup between Niagara Falls and the Canadian border, all bets are off.

But enough of such catastrophizing: time for a bit of untrammeled fantasy: Continue reading My Secret Post-Election Plan: Celebration?? Or Consolation??

Campaign Notes Tuesday Oct. 22, 2024


Early Voting – NC -as of 10-22-2024


Boston Herald

Biden lays into Trump during New Hampshire stop

By MATTHEW MEDSGER | Boston Herald
PUBLISHED: October 22, 2024

President Joe Biden was in New Hampshire on Tuesday to spread the word about his administration’s work to lower the price of prescription drugs, but he also used the visit as a chance to offer a stark warning about a potential second Trump White House.

Biden joined Vermont’s Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders at NHTI Community College in Concord, for an invite-only afternoon event where the president laid out his thoughts on the choice that voters face this November.

Continue reading Campaign Notes Tuesday Oct. 22, 2024

Early Voting Tally- North Carolina – Monday Oct. 21, 2024


Figures below are through Sunday October 20th, from the NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE)

Esrly Vote NC-thru 10-20-2024

Late Monday, officials in Wake County, home of the capital city of Raleigh, the state’s second-largest,  told reporters that 

Continue reading Early Voting Tally- North Carolina – Monday Oct. 21, 2024

News of The (Voting) Day from (One of the) Front Lines

Polling place in Durham

A friend messaged to ask how it’s going?

A brief update in North Carolina, as of Friday evening 10-18-2024:

I hear it was a record first day yesterday (Opening Day of early voting). At our polling place nearby, they told us 800 had voted there yesterday ), a record.

A later statewide report came from the NC state election board:

North Carolina Sets Turnout Record for First Day of Early Voting

Continue reading News of The (Voting) Day from (One of the) Front Lines

Wednesday Night at the DNC: Having Some Church & a Quaker/Interfaith Vigil

A 2019 (pre-Covid) survey of U.S. protestant pastors showed that nine out of ten held some kind of services on Wednesday evenings.

The pandemic likely reduced that number, but for many churches, it’s still a thing. And if you kept up with the extra-long speakers list for DNC Day 3 (my copy listed 37 names, but still missed a few), it would hardly be a surprise to find a sprinkle of Wednesday churchgoers among them.

Maybe that explains why, when the midweek marathon adjourned after midnight, amid all the hubbub, I had heard, not one but two homilies  from the podium (and maybe missed a few others).

Outside media, with its pronounced secular tilt, hasn’t seemed to notice. I couldn’t find any news coverage of these two speeches (other than YouTube videos).

So as a public service, they are excerpted & summarized below. Continue reading Wednesday Night at the DNC: Having Some Church & a Quaker/Interfaith Vigil