Category Archives: Fire This Time

The Shadow at the Pride Festival

A year ago last Saturday, the Friends Meeting I’m part of took a big step, for us: we rented a booth at the Alamance Pride Festival, held in a large park in downtown Burlington NC.

The Spring booth, with a blogger on duty at the table.

Outwardly, our booth was not particularly eye-catching. Amid the fluttering of a thousand floating rainbows, the yellow table banner we made for it is about as gaudy as we get. Spring Friends Meeting has been what many call an “affirming” congregation for more than a dozen years, and we’ve paid our share of dues for that. But we didn’t do it for publicity, and we haven’t done much of what many others call evangelism, which we’d  rather name “outreach.” We have  lots of opinions about things, but are  mostly quiet about them.

Maybe too quiet. Spring has been gathering for Quaker worship in southern Alamance County for 251 years, but we soon found out in the booth that hardly anyone we talked to knew we were there.  Which meant that Pride was a great opportunity for our outreach aspirations, but it also brought home the suspicion that maybe we had been a bit too ready to “hide our lamp under a bushel,” for much of those two-and-a-half centuries, which is something the gospel says not to do. There’s a false modesty which at bottom is mostly a mix of snobbery and pride.
Continue reading The Shadow at the Pride Festival

Rebuilding After the Earthquake, and A Birthday Rainbow

Spring Friends Meeting, Snow Camp North Carolina


This post was delivered as a message in Spring Friends Meeting on Eighth Month (August 11, 2024).


Today after meeting, Wendy and I are going to a small family birthday party, for a great-granddaughter who has turned seven.

That quiet gathering will be a very modest landmark in what has been a  very intense and weird month.

For that matter, this last four weeks have been vivid pieces of a  weird patchwork quilt that  raggedly covers eight long years.

Or nine years actually. It began as I watched an almost surreal ride down a golden escalator. From there it set off an improbable clamor that reached its first peak in an earthquake on November 8, 2016.

Not a geologic earthquake, but a political and cultural shaking every bit as real. Continue reading Rebuilding After the Earthquake, and A Birthday Rainbow

Bernie! Still All In (Critically) for Joe Biden

New York Times
Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

By Bernie Sanders
Mr. Sanders is the senior senator from Vermont.
July 13, 2024

I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected. Why? Despite my disagreements with him on particular issues, he has been the most effective president in the modern history of our country and is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump — a demagogue and pathological liar. It’s time to learn a lesson from the progressive and centrist forces in France who, despite profound political differences, came together this week to soundly defeat right-wing extremism.

I strongly disagree with Mr. Biden on the question of U.S. support for Israel’s horrific war against the Palestinian people. The United States should not provide Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government with another nickel as it continues to create one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history.

Continue reading Bernie! Still All In (Critically) for Joe Biden

From “Tell It Slant”: Fighting for A Future

Adapted from Tell It Slant, a biography of Chuck Fager, by Emma Lapsansky-Werner.

St. Paul, Kansas, 1939

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
                           — Yogi Berra

Plowing to a fork in the road.

This story begins with a young man coming to a fork, pushing a mule-drawn plow down a long furrow on a small farm in southeastern Kansas, in summer heat, circa 1939.

The young man was Callistus Fager, known as “Click” to his friends. On that day, like so many, Kansas farming would have been sweaty, dusty work. But that work was about all that was available. Kansas, like much of the United States, was mired in what is now called the “Great” Depression.

Even many years later, Click Fager remembered the unfamiliar noise he’d heard behind the plow, that summer day: a buzzing that wasn’t a farm sound. Continue reading From “Tell It Slant”: Fighting for A Future

Rushdie on “Free Palestine,” Speaking in Germany

Writer Salman Rushdie: “Free Palestine would be a Taliban state”


Märtyrer der Freiheit: Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie wird seit Jahrzehnten von Islamisten mit dem Tod bedroht. 2022 attackierte ihn ein Mann lebensbedrohlich mit dem Messer, stach ihm das rechte Auge aus. Jetzt präsentierte Rushdie in Berlin sein Buch „Knife“, in dem er den Mordversuch literarisch verarbeitet
[NOTE: This text was published by Die Bild, a German newspaper, and machine-translated from German into English. ]

May 19, 2024

Martyrs of freedom: Writer Salman Rushdie has been threatened with death by Islamists for decades. In 2022, a man attacked him life-threatening with the knife, stabbed him with the right eye. Now Rushdie presented his book “Knife” in Berlin, in which he processes the murder attempt in a literary way.

Continue reading Rushdie on “Free Palestine,” Speaking in Germany