Category Archives: Haiti

Exclusive! Now Revealed-The Secret Struggle to Create National Guacamole Day

Happy Monday!

It’s true: for decades (well, at least since 2013), Guacamole only gained national recognition indirectly, via National Avocado Day, which was set for July 31 by the self-anointed authority of the National Day Calendar.

The Calendar’s tireless band of curators hovers above the rest of the nation from their headquarters in the cultural center of Mandan, North Dakota (the jewel of Bismarck’s storied suburban west side), and continually updates their roster. Continue reading Exclusive! Now Revealed-The Secret Struggle to Create National Guacamole Day

Three Timely Reports from Gwynne Dyer, from Ireland, Sudan, Gaza, Haiti & England

Gwynne Dyer remains one of my go-to reporter/analysts on the international scene. Here he brings three recent, revealing and concise snapshots.

Three famines: Gaza, Sudan, and Haiti

Gwynne Dyer

Irish Potato Famine

There are three incipient famines in the world today, and politics is at the root of all of them.

That’s not unusual, actually: Famines are almost always political events.

My family is descended from the Catholic Irish diaspora, and when I was a boy in Newfoundland we would sometimes play the game of “potatoes and point” at the dinner table. We’d point at the potatoes (there was always a bowl of boiled potatoes with the main meal) and say, “May I have a slice of beef” or “I’ll have some more carrots, please.” Continue reading Three Timely Reports from Gwynne Dyer, from Ireland, Sudan, Gaza, Haiti & England