Filling in a Big Hole in Quaker History Writing, But not very accessible – UPDATE!

[UPDATED] The Quaker decades after the big Separation in 1827 are not well recorded and explained by Quaker historians.

The silence is especially loud on the “liberal” and Hicksite side.

This new book takes an important step toward opening up that “closed” history.
While its price is typically exorbitant ($50 for paperback; $118 hardcover, no E-book edition yet, interested Friends can ZOOM in for a discussion of it at the event described below.

The pricing policies for so much “scholarly” publishing keeps its “product” essentially out of most Friends’ reach and off most meeting library shelves. That’s such a shame, and my hat is off to the Amazon reader reviewer named “Shantinik” who called  it out this way;

“This is a book that should be widely available to Quakers and others. It won’t be. At this price, most Friends Meeting libraries won’t order it. Individual Quakers won’t. My local library won’t. My local university library won’t order it unless a professor requests it (and they won’t.).
No kindle edition? Means people with visual disabilities won’t be able to read it either. . . .”

If thee’s interested in this important period (and thee should be: lots happened that still matters), there’s a glimpse of it available on March 16, here —

Stephen Angell, Pink Dandelion, and David Harrington Watt will lead a book discussion on their latest edited book, The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, 1830 – 1937.


My apologies: I neglected to include the Zoom link that was provided along with the poster image, but not on it. Here it is:

Join the discussion in person or via Zoom using this link:

March 18, 11:20 AM EST @ ESR – Bring your brown bag lunch; we will provide deserts

8 thoughts on “Filling in a Big Hole in Quaker History Writing, But not very accessible – UPDATE!”

    1. “Pink Dandelion” is a name he uses only for publication.
      Please call him Ben! That will never change.

    1. Yikes — My bad! Thanks for the prod, Kit Mason. i have updated the post, with this additioal information, which initially escaped my notice:

      Stephen Angell, Pink Dandelion, and David Harrington Watt will lead a book discussion on their latest edited book, The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity 1830 – 1937.

      Join the discussion in person or via Zoom using this link:

      March 18, 11:20 AM EST @ ESR – Bring your brown bag lunch; we will provide deserts

  1. I have an in-person meeting scheduled at the same time, will there be a video recording of the session?

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