Mary Trump: Will she really throw the book at Uncle Donald?

I’ve done pretty well at ignoring the steady stream of anti-Trump tell-all books.

I haven’t spent ten cents or ten minutes in The Room Where It Happened with John Bolton.

I didn’t warm myself with Michael Wolff’s Fire & Fury.

Unhinged may have been Omarosa’s cri de couer, but it failed to make me crazy enough to read it.

And I didn’t even have to open Bob Woodward’s Fear, or
the great David Cay Johnston’s It’s Worse Than You Think, to know that both of them were right on the money.

I did make eager exceptions for the two fab polemics by bloodthirsty anti-Trump Republican operative Rick Wilson, Everything That Trump Touches Dies, and Running Against the Devil.

But those are not really “tell-alls.” Rather, they’re handbooks for How-to-get-rid-of-the-b*stard-before-he ruins-everything. And besides knowing how, Wilson lays out the process of his awakening and abandonment of a successful career paving the way for Trump’s rise in order to help bring him down with brutally hilarious gusto.

But while his books are funny as hell, Wilson is proving they are not a joke with a hit-and-run (& hit again) guerilla anti-Trump attack ad campaign based on them by his Lincoln Project.

Otherwise, though, there’s a groaning shelf of books That have been widely talked about,  but I was happy to ignore. The biographies, pro & con, the hack apologias, even the forthcoming confessional about how he took LSD and then had a moonlit psychedelic tryst with the ghost of Mrs. Jefferson Davis on the eleventh hole at Bedminster.

(Okay, I made that last one up, but really, with this guy, is anything too bizarre?)

Yet now comes a book that could put an end to my Trump reading abstemiousness: Too Much and Never Enough by Mary Trump May  prove to be irresistible. She has both the inside scoop on the multigenerational patrimony of Trump family perfidy, profiteering and perversion, plus a trained psychologist’s perspective to put all the seedy dynamics into a coherent, compelling narrative. (Which reminds me, the pseudo-psychoanalyzing tomes by shrinks-from-a-distance is another subgenre I’ve simply shrugged off.)

And, who am I kidding, Mary Trump clearly has a boatload of scores to settle. And she ought to know how to do it: pre-psychology, she did a master’s degree in literature on novelist William Faulkner’s legendary Compsons, the literary archetype of family dysfunction and self-destruction.

The list of her goodies as it has begun to leak out includes, for starters, high-stakes legal fights over Granddaddy Fred’s estate, and Donald’s allegedly vindictive shortchanging of a severely disabled nephew as part of the struggle.

Also we’ve been promised “harrowing and salacious” tales about the president, plus disclosures by his sister, retired federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, that are “intimate & damning.” Mary Trump  has also admitted that election night 2016 was “one of the worst nights of my life. What is wrong with this country?”

And not least, Mary Trump has indicated there will be details about her reputedly key role as a source for the New York Times’s 2018  Pulitzer-Prize winning expose of extensive Trump family financial misdeeds, which could well provide much of the basis for legal actions  against him once he leaves public office.

If another recommendation were needed, it came when the president’s brother Robert has called Mary Trump’s book a “travesty and an injustice . . ,truly a disgrace.” 

He tried to get an injunction against the book’s publication, but that ploy was twice thrown out by New York judges. Too Much and Never Enough is now scheduled to be published on July 14.

Surely the book will cause a big stir. Will it have any impact on the election campaign? Could it drive down Donald’s sagging re-election numbers even further? Or could he use the scandal to again turn the tables on his opponents, as he has done so many times before?

Predictions are perilous, as her uncle proved once & for all. But two things we do know: first, the White House is dreading this book’s appearance— their vain legal flailing showed that.

And second, we’ll all be able to watch the train wreck, if that it becomes, beginning eight days from now.

I think I will pony up for a seat to watch it, high up in the Kindle section,. See you there?

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