All posts by Chuck Fager

YAFs Memorial Day Gathering: Time To Grow Up

The following message has been broadcast across Quaker networks today:

<< The planning committee for the Young Adult Friends Gathering, 2010, comes together in Wichita, Kansas this weekend. Young Quakers from across the United States, Canada and Mexico will gather this Memorial Day weekend, May 28-31, for a gathering…
>> For more, go here.

Since the big event is only a bit more than a month away, this will be one of their last chances to take another, more edifying look at the embarrassing and oppressive set of “Expectations for Community” that I have commented on before, and if they value the reputation of their “movement,” they’ll ease up on the long list of “Thou Shall Nots.”

Continue reading YAFs Memorial Day Gathering: Time To Grow Up

Am I In Trouble On Abortion??

Sat eve coverFriend Kevin Roberts has a lengthy blog post, entitled “Not One Of Us,” arguing that Friends should be against abortion. I’ve responded with some detailed comments, and there is a conversation developing.

This striking Saturday Evening Post cover was his illustration:

Interested folks will need to scroll down through some comments to find my contributions . . . . And there are some other interesting comments as well.

Continue reading Am I In Trouble On Abortion??