It’s Time (Again) for Doug Gwyn’s Book, “Words In Time”

It’s Time (Again) for Doug Gwyn’s Book, Words In Time

Doug Gwyn’s Book, Words In Time is NOW available, to read or download: FREE!
Yes, FREE. Click here to read or download a sample chapter.

Or if you want to copy and paste the whole book, here’s a link, to copy, paste & print:


As a GIFT to Friends and other interested readers, in cooperation with the journal Quaker Theology, Doug Gwyn has NOW made available his 1998 book, Words In Time as a FREE e-book for reading and download, as of (the Day the World Calls) Christmas, Twelfth Month (December) 25, 2015.

NOTE: To read or download this book, you click on the link.

You do NOT sign in.
You do NOT pay. (Not now. Not ever.)
You do NOT leave your name or email address.
(And since we won’t have your name or email, we won’t sell it or trade it or send you anything or do anything else with it. Because –did we mention? — we won’t have it.)

Here are the pieces you’ll find in this book. Most are otherwise very hard to find:

Part I: Covenant

1. The Covenant of Light
2. Renewing Our Covenant: Can Our Branches Be Olive Branches?
3. Sense and Sensibilities: Quaker Bispirituality Today
4. The Covenant Crucified: Quakers and the Rise of Capitalism
5. Can’t See the Covenant for the Contracts

Part II: Seed

6. The Seed: The Power of God Among Us
7. “Sink Down to the Seed”: Going Deeper in Quaker Life and Witness
8. The Seed: Captivity and Liberation

Doug said about Words In Time, when it was first published:
This book is a collection of short pieces, most of which have appeared in print elsewhere. They cover a nine-year period, 1988-97. I chose the title Words in Time because several of the pieces were written for particular occasions, and address specific dilemmas facing Friends at the time. As such, these keynotes and essays are somewhat time-bound and situation-specific. For example, “The Covenant of Light” addressed Friends United Meeting shortly before the “Realignment” controversy erupted at the end of 1990. But problems of alienation and mutual exclusion within the wider Quaker family continue; the message of reconciliation still needs to be heard.

[Thee Can Say THAT Again! Okay, he will: But problems of alienation and mutual exclusion within the wider Quaker family continue; the message of reconciliation still needs to be heard.]
Doug continued:

All the pieces in this collection attempt to place current Quaker struggles within a larger context. The rootstock of our Quaker tradition, in its unique expression of the ancient Hebrew- Christian faith, can provide important perspective on today’s dilemmas. In particular, two themes encompass this collection: covenant and seed.

Comments on the book are welcome. They can be submitted to this blog, the various Quaker Facebook groups, or your F/friends. We invite you to read the book, think and write and talk about it, and let us hear from you.

Go for it!


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