More On Limiting What Authors Can Write About


Limiting what novelists can write about won’t help readers

[Blogger’s Comments In Red.]

Washington Post — Opinion by Kathleen Parker
 — May 12, 2023

“Fiction is where I go to tell the truth,” the late, great Pat Conroy once said. In his acclaimed novels, Conroy cut close to the bone, exposing human truths that left readers breathless with painful recognition.

Lucky for him and his readers, Conroy’s death in 2016 meant he was spared the pre-publication censorship that fiction writers face today. He escaped the full force of the steamrolling appropriation-and-sensitivity movement currently in vogue.

“Publish or perish” in this new age of you-can’t-say-that has been retooled as publish and perish. Certain words are essentially verboten — “plantation,” for one. But at the heart of the new restrictions is the notion that novelists can’t (or shouldn’t) write in the voice of someone whose experience and heart they cannot know.

This means that Whites should write only about White characters, Latinos about Latinos, Asians about Asians and so on.

COMMENT: I differ somewhat with this formulation. Some-self-anointed cultural monitors say that such identity rules ought to be applied. Some mainline publishers & agent are dumb enough to fall for such malarkey. They should get over themselves. It will help them if more authors defy these voices and follow their imagination/inspiration; new publishing technology and outlets make such defiance increasingly possible and potentially profitable.

The hashtag #OwnVoices helps young adult readers find books in which the characters and the author share the same identity. Some publishing  houses now employ “sensitivity readers.” Google Docs offers a feature that assists users in making their work more “inclusive.”

COMMENT: All these resources should be available to those authors who choose to use them.  None should be made mandatory by publishers or reviewers.

Most writers and agents agree that America’s new literary Dark Age began with Jeanine Cummins’s “American Dirt.” This 2020 novel, about an undocumented immigrant to the United States who was forced to flee Mexico with her son after her journalist husband was exposed a local drug kingpin. It was an Oprah’s Book Club selection and a New York Times bestseller that sold 3 million copies worldwide in 37 languages. What could go wrong?

Everything. Some Mexican Americans panned the book for containing stereotypes. The heroine, critics said, seemed like a “pearl-clutching American tourist,” and the Spanish seemed generated by Google Translate. Perhaps most egregious, Cummins wasn’t Latina enough. She’s from New Jersey, and her only connection to her protagonist is a Puerto Rican grandmother. Her book tour was canceled.

COMMENT: Envy was once deemed one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and among its more corrosive effects is to demean those who flaunt their distemper in public. I haven’t read Cummins’s book, but I’m not weeping many tears for her: it stayed several months on the bestseller list, had 36 translations and sold 3 million copies — of course nitpickers gonna pick nits, but so what? If Cummins hasn’t made of that “ordeal” the launch of a very successful career, it’s on her.

This title leapfrogged the sensitivity obstacle course and published independently via Amazon. Kudos to the author — stand up for your work!!

Such developments might be well-intentioned, but you know what they say about the road to hell. When Alberto Gullaba Jr. turned in his first novel, “University Thugs,” about a young Black man with a criminal record trying to navigate an elite university struggling with race issues, his agent was excited. That is, until Gullaba told him, “Hey, no, man, I’m not Black, I’m Filipino.”


A British sensitivity reader with the correct pigmentation was brought in to read Gullaba’s manuscript, whereupon his agency asked, “By the way, can you make the main character Filipino?” Gullaba elected to adopt the pen name Free Chef and self-published on Amazon.

Comment: Gullaba/Free Chef is my hero here: he wrote his book, and didn’t let the carping and cowardice of oldline publishers and lily-livered agents stop him. (Haven’t read his book either, but it sounds interesting.)

Yes, of course, I considered not writing this column. Why invite the wrath of the overly sensitive?

Because truth demands it.

Comment: Right.

Civilization requires a forceful response to the growing imperative to mitigate negative feelings by shielding people from unpleasant truths with wiggle words that cloud rather than reveal. The books I’ve read (and reread) that hold a place in my heart hurt me, made me cry, made me laugh and kept me awake long past the last page.

“Sophie’s Choice” and “The Confessions of Nat Turner” clobbered me. Could William Styron be published today? He wrote in the voices of women, Jews, African Americans and plantation owners. How could he know all their hearts and minds?

COMMENT: How? The correct answers include: imagination, empathy, research and talent, plus one more. It’s possible to have or aspire to all these and still produce a fictional failure; writing is risky. So don’t neglect the fifth tool: courage; which includes the courage to fail. (Publishers & agents need these too.) I like Kathleen Parker’s answer too:

[“How could he know . . .?”] The way writers always have: by employing their fertile imaginations, mining their own experiences and applying their craft to find a deeper way of seeing things so that readers might also see them (and ourselves) better.

Publishing-world paranoia isn’t restricted to race or ethnicity. Authors who venture into gender apocalypse fiction get into trouble in transgender circles. When Robert Dugoni’s Tracy Crosswhite series featured a female protagonist, he was asked how he could write as a woman. His response during a 2020 Q&A was a bracing blast of oxygen:

“I never try to write from the perspective of a woman or of an African American man. I think that would be fatal,” he said. “I write from the perspective of human beings who have been injured in their path and are just trying to forge forward with a life for themselves and those they love. They want to be respected in their jobs and respected at home. I think those are universal truths that transcend race and gender.”

Most people reading this understand why certain words are hurtful. The n-word is so universally despised that it has no place in civilized society. I don’t want to hear it; I don’t want to read it. But should this repulsion extend to the banning of books such as Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” or Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”? This is a rhetorical question. Both books already are banned from many school libraries.

COMMENT: Liking/disliking books is a very personal thing. I’m currently re-reading Huckleberry Finn, which I read several times as a boy.  Sure, some terms are offensive now, and no one should be forced to read them. But do the casual slurs, characteristic of Mark Twain’s context and time, nullify the accolades it’s garnered from generations of critics and readers? Do they mean my grandchildren should be banned from encountering and dealing with Huck or Atticus Finch?? I don’t believe so. (My personal jury is still out on reassessing Huck Finn‘s overall merits; but one thing is settled: reading it 65 years ago did not turn me into a Klansman or a Proud Boy. Quite the opposite.) 

What are we losing when we curtsy to identity demands? Where does it stop? Literary criticism requires, among other things, consideration of an author’s historical time and cultural context. Instead of protecting young people, why aren’t we teaching them to think? This seems to me the more damaging effect of preemptive strikes against emotional triggers.

Comment: teaching younger readers to [read! &] think! For themelves! What a concept.

Psychology informs us that emotions are information. They’re our invisible guides in the human quest for meaning. We must learn to navigate life’s lessons without imagined or self-imposed trauma or we may eventually lose our ability to communicate.

It is surely a net positive when authors from diverse backgrounds tell their own stories.

COMMENT: I’m totally down with diverse voices. The more the better (even if not always the merrier.) And fortunately, publishing today is not a zero-sum game. My publishing books has not prevented others from publishing theirs.

But their contributions shouldn’t interfere with writers who dare to imagine a fictional character’s experiences. As for “sensitivity readers,” to each their own. At The Post, we call them editors.

COMMENT: Agreed. A good editor is an author’s best friend. Not their best buddy; really good editors are also tough. And not intimidated by self-anointed monitors.)

Many writers voluntarily seek appropriate readers to check for verisimilitude. If I created a fictional character who was a plastic surgeon, I’d want a plastic surgeon to read my manuscript for accuracy. The same might be true of a White woman writing about a Black man. But watch out.

When Rebecca Bruff, a Methodist minister, wrote a historical novel about South Carolina’s Civil War hero and U.S. congressman Robert Smalls in “Trouble the Water,” the big publishing houses passed on it for fear of repercussions. Who was she to tell a Black man’s story?

“Who was I to withhold the story?” she said to me in a phone interview.

Smalls was a slave in Beaufort, S.C., Conroy’s hometown, when he commandeered a Confederate arms ship from the Charleston harbor and, with his wife and a few other enslaved people, delivered it to the Union Navy.

He was also a delegate to the 1868 South Carolina Constitutional Convention and worked to make free, compulsory education available to all children in the state. Some credit him with creating public education in the South.

Rebecca Bruff

Bruff was so enthralled when she heard snippets of his story during a visit to Beaufort, she turned her life inside out to write the book she couldn’t find in libraries or bookstores, leaving her job and home in Dallas and moving to Beaufort. She ultimately went with a smaller press, and the book has been well-received, especially by Smalls’s great-great-grandson Michael Moore, a founding leader of the new International African American Museum in Charleston (opening June 27), whom Bruff asked to read the manuscript.

“I wanted to make sure I honored his character,” she said.
Coincidentally the U.S. Navy just changed the name of the USS Chancellorsville, named for the site of a Confederate victory during the Civil War, to the USS Robert Smalls.

Some novelists hoping to avoid the problems Bruff faced are co-authoring with someone whose DNA squares with important characters. One writer who spoke on condition of anonymity told me she wanted to write a book about a tree where lynchings most likely took place. “But I can’t write it as a White woman,” she said. “I told a friend I need a great Black voice and he said, ‘I love it, I want to write it with you.’”

Similarly, best-selling White author Marie Benedict co-wrote “The Personal Librarian” with Black author Victoria Christopher Murray. The historical novel tells the story of the real-life Belle da Costa Greene, a Black woman who developed and managed the personal library of J.P. Morgan and his family for 43 years.

Greene passed as White and claimed to be of Portuguese descent, and the story is partly about Greene’s struggles to become proud of her Black heritage while pretending to be White in a segregated, racist society.
 Based on reviews of the book, the authors managed to tell a seamless story.

Where these trends lead is a worthy concern. In my little dystopic corner of the reading universe, I envision a novel with six authors of diverse backgrounds and a book cover bearing a seal of approval from an artificial-intelligence sensitivity reader.

COMMENT: Been there, done that, done with it. In my Catholic childhood (til 1966, after 400-plus years) there was still The Index Librorum Prohibitorum, The Index of Forbidden Books. And Catholic authors still seek official censors’ approval for many religious texts, via the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat marks of official approval by the hierarchy.

It’s their rules, for their church. We don’t need, and I decline to recognize, such hierarchical rule (or new quasi-religious dogmas) in secular publishing. Let authors publish freely, then criticize or even protest if so moved. I’m fine with reviews that call out any and all perceived flaws and putative offenses an author commits. Let readers read them, and the original works, and make their own judgments and let 100  debates flower.

Who knows — maybe an algorithm will tap into all the DNA files we’ve helped create with our saliva and select donors as authors. They won’t even need to write well. AI can write the book for them.

Agents too.

Some of the authors I interviewed for this column were more optimistic. The pendulum has swung too far, said one fiction veteran who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We just have to wait for it to swing back closer to the center.” Tell that to another best-selling author who recently had to ditch a third of her novel because it concerned the Civil War and she dared to write from the perspective of an enslaved person.

COMMENT: I say to authors: Don’t wait. Write your truth; get it in print. Take your critical licks. Learn and keep it up. Publishers/Agents: pay attention. And grow a pair.

We’ll see, but it seems to me that all readers lose something when life’s realities can be told only by select voices. Conroy used fiction to tell the truth. The question is, who can do the same now?

Kathleen Parker writes a twice-weekly column on politics and culture. She received the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 2010.

2 thoughts on “More On Limiting What Authors Can Write About”

  1. Thanks for sharing this brilliant piece. Parker hit a home run.
    I wish more Friends were willing to speak truth to the powers that prevail rather than timidly follow the prevailing winds.

  2. I am puzzled by the apparent gap between the headline of this piece (both yours and Parker’s) and the content of it. The headline would suggest some form of actual book ban or censorship. But, as you note in your text, the content just bemoans the fact that some publishers, some critics, and some readers have a preference for stories centering characters from underrepresented communities which are written by authors from those same communities. That strikes me as a very reasonable preference, and I don’t see it being forced on anyone.

    I’m a writer too, and I’ve done a certain amount of muttering and repining about publishers not accepting some of my work that I consider excellent, but I don’t actually believe they owe me acceptances. And I am not inclined to blame my rejections on authors from underrepresented groups getting a little more market attention. (2021 figures that I’ve seen show some major publishers reporting that about 75% of their authors and illustrators are white, which tracks with the white proportion of the US population…) You write, “Let authors publish freely, then criticize or even protest if so moved. I’m fine with reviews that call out any and all perceived flaws and putative offenses an author commits. Let readers read them, and the original works, and make their own judgments and let 100 debates flower.” –So far as I can see that is happening. I am not sure what your real complaint is.

    I was reminded of the very helpful piece about fear speech which I also saw posted on your blog. I wonder if there is an exaggerated fear here of what seems to be nothing more than some editorial policies and some strong opinions attempting to make more space for people whose voices have too often gotten shouted down.

    As noted, “American Dirt’ did get huge amounts of reader attention as well as many protests. I read American Dirt and thought the protests made sense. I have not been a refugee fleeing across the border, but I’ve worked with and listened with some people who have been, and that story struck me as fundamentally alien to the real-life stories I’ve heard, and also as being sensational, shallow, and implausible. I think it’s too bad if that is the story about asylum seeking which Anglo-American readers get. I read AD near the same time as Javier Zamorra’s “Solito,” which is ownvoices and carries a very different kind of depth and thoughtfulness .

    I’ve also read Christy Lefteri’s “The Beekeeper of Aleppo,” also a book about refugees written by someone who wasn’t a refugee. But Lefteri did write the book after years of working with refugees. I thought that was a deep, thoughtful novel, and I don’t believe it drew the same kind of backlash as “American Dirt.”

    The original article you post here speaks dismissively of sensitivity readers, and your earlier relatd post “ A Story:Could I Get It Published…” speaks dismissively of “mysterious but searching reviews for whether such a story might inflict some kind of “harm” on many actual or hypothetical readers, past, present or future, or exclude other authors, deemed marginalized or under-represented.” I wonder if this either Parker or you have been in a position where most of the representations you saw of ‘your people’ were imagined by other people and were also shallow, stereotypical, or demeaning. Or if you have listened to people who have been in that position or tried to understand the harm this could do. In most ways I’ve had the privilege of reading plenty of books by and about people who resemble me. Until recently this was not particularly true, in my reading experience, of characters and authors who had mental health struggles or who were bisexual, and I did notice the internal shame with which I responded to some of those external depictions and also my wondering whether those stories shaped the ways in which people from other groups would see me. I know that some readers have that experience much more often and in more painful ways.

    I don’t think that no author should write about characters different from themselves or experiences different from their own. I’ve done and will continue to do that myself sometimes, carefully. I think that process is fraught, and rightly requires some sensitivity to how those stories may affect readers. I am less apt to want to read stories by authors who dismiss those concerns.

    …I also noticed that after I read your two posts on the perceived dangers of ownvoices and sensitivity readers, my FB feed showed me some quite ugly sponsored posts about how white Christian men are the real victims in our woke age. Those were written with a vitriol and a level of overt prejudice that I don’t think you’d care for either. But I suppose I can see some continuity of thought.

    I don’t know if this post will strike you as the kind of persecution you are complaining of. I hesitated to write for that reason. I don’t mean to put you down or shut you up, only to ask you to think again.

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