Pete Hegseth Wants to “Bleach the Barracks,” Starting By Firing the Top Black General

Just wrote a blog post on the nomination of Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense.

It’s posted on the blog of my former employer, Quaker House of Fayetteville NC, near Fort Liberty (neé Fort Bragg).

Hegseth, taking aim

The post deals with aspects of Hegseth’s program that were hardly mentioned in his Senate hearing on January 14: his public targeting of the one top-level Black officer, Air Force General C. Q. Brown, to be fired, based on a four-minute video he made after the George Floyd murder.


Brown has had an honorable & successful 40-

General C. Q. Brown, Jr. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Target #1

year military career. It’s clear Hegseth can’t tolerate that. He wants to make Brown the first, highest-ranking scapegoat in a projected anti-woke, military-wide “crusade” to eradicate anything he considers “woke” (it’s a very long list), first from the military, and then from American society at large.

Why this crusade plan was not taken up seriously in Hegseth’s Senate hearing is not clear. Voices can still be raised about it.

More details about Brown and Hegseth’s scheme are in the full post (the views in which are personal & unofficial), are here:

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